1st Bologna cycle

Theoretical Astrophysics (at the University of Ljubljana) (more)

2nd Bologna cycle

Astrophysics of Stars and Galaxy (at the University of Ljubljana) (more)

3rd Bologna cycle

Modern Astrophysics (at the University of Nova Gorica) (course webpage)

Modern Astrophysics (at the University of Ljubljana)

1st Bologna cycle

Astronomy for students of the Faculty of Education (more)

Astronomy 2 (more)

Theoretical Astrophysics (more)

2nd Bologna cycle

Astrophysics of Stars and Galaxy (more)

Selected Topics from Astrophysics and Particle Physics (more)

3rd Bologna cycle

Modern Astrophysics


Academic Year 2015/16

I teach astronomy courses at undergraduate and graduate levels at the University of Nova Gorica and at the University of Ljubljana.


Previous Academic Years

(at the University of Ljubljana)

Academic Year 2016/17

1st Bologna cycle

Astronomy (course webpage, Zbirka rešenih nalog)

Astronomical observations (course webpage)

Astronomical observations (at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education)

2nd Bologna cycle

Multi-wavelength view on astrophysical objects (course webpage)