Course Code 1FAF15
/ Spring 2018
Course shared with Dr. Tanja
Book: Peter Schneider, "Extragalactic Astronomy And Cosmology"
30% journal club presentation
70% written exam with oral discussion
(list of potential questions will be given beforehand)
- Overview: Section 1.2 of the book
The Milky Way as a
- The Structure of the Galaxy (Section 2.3)
- The Galactic Center (Section 2.6)
- Galactic Coordinates and Determination of Distances Within Our
Galaxy (Section 2.1 & 2.2)
- Kinematics of the Galaxy (Section 2.4)
The World of Galaxies
- Classification (Section 3.1)
- Elliptical Galaxies (Section 3.2)
- Spiral Galaxies (Section 3.3)
- Scaling relations (Section 3.4)
- Normal galaxies (Sections 3.5, 3.7, 2.5.1
(intro to Lensing), 3.8, 3.9)
Active Galactic Nuclei
- Introduction (Section 5.1)
- AGN Zoology (Section 5.2)
- The Central Engine: A Black Hole (Section
- Family Relations of AGNs (Section 5.5)
Clusters and Groups of Galaxies
- The Local Group (Section 6.1)
- Galaxies in Clusters and Groups (Section
- X-Ray Radiation from Clusters of Galaxies
(Section 6.3)
- Clusters of Galaxies as Gravitational
Lenses (Section 6.5)
Cosmology I: Homogeneous
Isotropic World Models
- Introduction and Fundamental Observations
(Section 4.1)
- An Expanding Universe (Section 4.2)
- Consequences of the Friedmann Expansion
- Thermal History of the Universe (4.4)
- Achievements and Problems of the Standard
Model (4.5)
Exam questions (under construction)