University of Nova Gorica, Graduate school, Physics
Course principal: prof. dr. Samo Stanič
The aim of this course is to prepare the students to competently
present a chosen field of research to general audience and to broaden
the knowledge and understanding of a pallete of ongoing research activities
in physics and natural sciences. Seminar is mandatory for the advance
into the second year and is evaluated with 6 ECTS.
The attendance to the seminars is mandatory for freshman year students
and strongly encouraged for their thesis advisors and senior
students. Students are required to submit the abstract at least two
weeks and the draft of the slides at least one week before the
seminar. Invited lecturers are listed in bold.
Academic year 2013/2014
- S. Dunn (Queen Mary U. of London), ZnO nanostructures,
synthesis and applications, 29.11.2013
- T. Kobal (University of Nova Gorica), Synthesis and characterization of manganese
functionalized silica aerogels, 23.12.2013
- N. Massarotti (U. degli Studi di Napoli),
Waste-to-Energy: Numerical Modeling of Thermo-Fluid-Dynamic Phenomena
in the combustion chamber of full scale plants, 4.2.2014
- M. Maughmer (Penn State University), The Evolution of Sailplane Wing Design, 13.3.2014
- L. Martinelli (Princeton University), Simulation of High Reynolds Number
Flow for Aerodynamic Design: Three decades in the rearview mirror and the
road ahead, 13.3.2014
- M. Mole (University of Nova Gorica), Bora wind in Slovenia, 24.3.2014
- M. Rettenmayr (Friedrich Schiller University Jena),
Modeling Dendrite Growth – Alternatives to Phase Field Models, 27.3.2014
- M. Zacchigna (Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste),
Superconductivity: The Hottest Low Temperature Phase Transition
in the History of Condensed Matter, 12.5.2014
- B. Mavrič (University of Nova Gorica),
Modeling of thermo-mechanical phenomena during DC casting of Aluminum alloys: a
meshless approach, 9.6.2014
- J. Matthew (University of Nova Gorica),
Electronic properties of magnetic thin film on metal surfaces, 13.6.2014
Academic year 2012/2013
- S. Nafooshe (UNG), Recent Progress in Neutrino Physics,
26.11.2012 (abstract,
- W. Eichinger (U. of Iowa), A Skeptic's View of Global
Warming, 26.3.2013
- L. Wang (Xi'an U. of Tech.), Passive remote sensing of
the upper atmosphere, 27.3.2013
- C. Giunti (INFN Torino), Phenomenology of Light
Sterile Neutrinos, 19.4.2013
- A. Saleh (UNG), Physics with Scaler Mode of the Pierre Auger
Observatory, 29.5.2013
Academic year 2011/2012
- M. Pimenta (LIP/IST), Particle Physics with High Energy Cosmic Rays, 1.2.2012
- J. Wells (CERN), The Higgs Boson as a Bridge to Hidden Worlds, 9.3.2012
- Đ. Stevanović (UNG), Study of small scale plasma irregularities in the ionosphere, 12.3.2012
- G. Kukec Mezek (UNG)*, Short introduction to the accelerating universe, 19.3.2012
- M. Simonič (UNG), Characterization of monoliths, 26.3.2012
- M. Vučković (UNG), Characterization of ionospheric effects on GNSS systems, 2.4.2012
- S. Nafooshe (UNG), Black Hole production in High Energy Collisions, 16.4.2012
- N. Kubo (JICA), Solar photovoltaics in Malawi / Quantum dot solar cells, 20.4.2012
- T. Kodelja, Thermo-mechanical modelling of continuous casting with artificial neural network, 23.4.2012
- Raveendra Penumala (UNG), Characterization of electric charge carrier transport by time-of-flight technique, 21.5.2012
- M. Kokole (UNG), Phase Shifters for Free Electron Lasers, 11.6.2012
* IInd level master student
Academic year 2010/2011
- D. Siraj, Haar wavelets and their application to
numerical solution of ordinary differential equations and numerical
integration, 3.11.2010
- T. Mlakar, Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy of Quantum
Dots, 22.11.2010
- L. Sinovčić, Sol-gel preparation and photocatalysis of
titanium dioxide and its use for removal of residual
pharmaceuticals from aqueous systems, 6.12.2010
- J. Fesel Kamenik, ElectroWeak symmetry breaking
without a Higgs boson at the LHC, 20.12.2010
- J. Virc, Rheology of thixotropic coatings, 24.1.2011
- K. Mramor, Fullerene modelling, 7.2.2011
- G. Senjanović, LHC and the origin of neutrino
mass, 28.2.2011
- S. Širca, Exploring the nature of nucleons by electron
scattering, 21.3.2011
- M. Zdovc, Implantable Neuromuscular Stimulator, 11.4.2011
- M.V. Garzelli, Modelling hadron-hadron Interactions:
from Particle Physics at Colliders to Cosmic Ray Physics,
- R. Srinvasa, Transient Photocurrent Measurements on Graphene
Related Materials, 16.5.2011
- Q. Liu, Non-Singular Method of Fundamental Solutions and its
Application to Two Dimensional Elasticity Problems, 23.5.2011
- G. Košak, Modelling of solidification with solid phase
movement, 23.5.2011
- O. Bulgakova, Out-of-Equilibrium Statistical and Dynamical
Properties of Long-range Interacting Systems, 30.5.2011
- E. Mocchiutti, PAMELA - Five Years of Cosmic Ray
Observation from the Space, 8.6.2011
- M. Chikkara, Initial stages of growth og organic
semiconductors on graphene, 13.6.2011
- J. Jančar, Monolithic Cromatographic Materials, 20.6.2011
- K. Hirose, XPS study on SiO2/Si interfaces
of advanced MOSFETs, 11.7.2011
- U. Kovšca, Alternative materials for organic solar cells,
- I. Mikulska, Dillute Magnetic Oxides, 19.9.2011
- D. Klančar, The Role of Metallic Contacts in Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells, 26.9.2011
Academic year 2009/2010
- D. Gobin, Modelling Transport Phenomena during
Spreading and Solidification of Droplets in Plasma Projection,
- M. Dragomir, Metallic Nanoparticles, 14.12.2009
(pdf, abstract)
- B. Mahieu, High-order Harmonic Generation in Gases,
(ppt, abstract)
- M. Andrejašič, Turbulence Modelling and its Applications,
(pdf, abstract)
- T. He, Atmospheric Studies Using Mobile Lidar Systems,
(ppt, abstract)
- B. Revenu, Elements of radio-emission and
radio-detection of atmospheric showers, 18.2.2010
- A. Sušnik, Effects of magnetic storms on GPS signals at high
latitudes in the European sector, 16.3.2010
(pdf, abstract)
- S. Kassab, Optimization of LVAD implantation to reduce
stroke risk and progress in modelling of the Hybrid Norwood
operation for Hypolastic Left Heart Syndrome, 10.5.2010
(pdf, abstract)
- D. Pepper, Using Advanced Numerical Schemes in
Multiple Engineering Applications, 17.5.2010
(pdf, abstract)
- P. Skraba, Persistence-based Clustering, 26.5.2010
(pdf, abstract)
- N. Grlj, Development of the confocal PIXE set-up for
multielemental depth-resolved measurements and three-dimensional
microscopy, 10.6.2010
Academic year 2008/2009
- F. Gao, Measurement of aerosols in the troposphere,
- N. Grlj, mu-PIXE and X-ray optics - the combination for 3D
imaging, 18.6.2009
- C.S. Praveen, Semiconductors as Photocatalysts for Water
Splitting, 23.6.2009
- U. Hanoglu, Mathematical and Physical Modelling of the Flat
Rolling Process, 24.9.2009