Next: Data Monitoring System
Up: Data Acquisition
Previous: Event Builder
The role of the online computer farm [89] is to format an
event data into an off-line event format and to proceed background
reduction (the Level 3 trigger) using a fast tracking program
[90]. Fig.
shows the architecture
of the online farm. The farm consists of six VME crates. Each VME
crate contains a Power-PC based control processor, Motorola MVME-2604,
and 16 MC88100 event processors in four VME modules, Motorola
MVME-188s. The interfaces for the event builder and the mass storage
system are also implemented in each crate.
The online computer farm, that consists of six VME crates of
processors. Also shown is the data monitoring system using an external
Linux-SMP PC server for data quality monitoring.
In each crate, data from the event builder interface are distributed
to 16 event processors through the VME backplane, and the event
formatting and background reduction are performed in parallel. The
processed data are then sent to the mass storage interface. The
throughput of a crate is 2.8 MB/sec which corresponds to more than a
15 MB/sec transfer rate with all the six crates.
The software for the online farm can be developed on a host
workstation which has the off-line software development environment
and the executable image developed on the workstation can be directly
downloaded to the online farm.
Next: Data Monitoring System
Up: Data Acquisition
Previous: Event Builder
Samo Stanic