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Up: Offline Computing System
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All software except for a few HEP specific and non HEP specific free
software packages has been developed by the members of the Belle
collaboration. In particular, the mechanisms to handle event structure
and input and output formatting and to process events in parallel on a
large SMP (Symmetric Multiple Processor) compute server have been
developed locally using C and C++ programming languages. GEANT3 has
been used in simulations [91].
The event processing framework, called BASF (Belle AnalysiS
Framwork) [90], takes users' reconstruction and
analysis codes as modules which are linked dynamically at the run
time. A module is written as an object of a class of C++. The class,
inherited from the module class of BASF which has virtual functions
for events, begins and ends run processing and other utility functions
such as initialization, termination and histogram definitions. Modules
written in Fortran and C can also be linked using wrapper functions.
The data transfer between modules is managed by PANTHER, an event and
I/O management package developed by the Belle collaboration. PANTHER
describes the logical structure and inter-relationships of the data
using an entity relationship model. In order to store data (structure)
in the event structure one writes a description file as an ASCII text
file. A PANTHER utility converts the description file into C and C++
header files and source code. The user will include the header files
in his/her code and the source code is compiled and linked into the
user module to have access to the data structure in the module.
The standard reconstruction modules for sub-detectors and global
reconstruction of four momenta, production vertices and likelihoods
for being specific species such as electrons, muons, pions, kaons,
protons and gammas of charged and neutral particles have been prepared
and used to produce physics results as well as detector performance
results described in this paper.
Next: Level 4 Offline Trigger
Up: Offline Computing System
Previous: PC Farms
Samo Stanic