The purpose of Level 4 software filtering is to reject backgrounds
just before full event reconstruction in the very beginning of the DST
production chain. At the same time, high efficiencies for signal
events are also required. The signal events include not only
events but also other physics related events such as
or events, and events necessary for detector
calibration etc. such as di-muon events.
Most of backgrounds are related to beam activities by both electrons
and positrons. Fig. shows (top) and
(bottom) distributions obtained by a fast tracker,
[92], which has been developed for the use in Level 4.
The open histograms are track-by-track basis distributions, and the
hatched distributions are for tracks closest to the coordinate origin
in each event. It can be clearly seen that many tracks are created at
the beam pipe and that a large fraction of tracks are generated far
away from the origin in the direction caused by beam interactions
with residual gases in the beam pipe. Therefore, the basic strategy
to reject backgrounds is to select events with tracks originating from
the interaction point, IP.
Figure: (top) and (bottom) distributions.
The open histograms are for track-by-track basis and
the hatched histograms show or distributions
closest to the origin
in each event.
There are low multiplicity (in terms of charged particles) events even
in decays such as
. In
order to save these events, we keep events with large energy deposits
in the electromagnetic calorimeter, ECL, redundantly.
The Level 4 algorithm consists of 4 stages of event selections as follows:
Selection by Level 1 trigger information:
Because of demands from the sub-detector groups, events with some
specific trigger bits are saved without any further
Energy measured by ECL:
We require the ECL energy reconstructed by
to be greater than 4 GeV.
Concurrently a veto logic using Level 1 information is
applied, which is formed as a coincidence of ECL and KLM hits,
to suppress background events induced by cosmic rays.
Selection of events with a track coming from IP:
By reconstructing charged tracks by , events with at least
one ``good track'' are selected, where a ``good track'' is defined
as a track with greater than 300 MeV/c,
less than 1.0 cm, and less than 4.0 cm.
This corresponds to the application of cuts on the hatched distributions
in Fig. .
Level 4 monitoring:
For monitoring of the performance of Level 4, 1% of
events which fail our selection criteria are saved and
passed to further full reconstruction.
In order to reduce CPU usage, events satisfying our requirement in
each stage are selected immediately and submitted to the full
reconstruction chain without further processing.
Table summarizes the Level 4 efficiency measured for
various real data samples.
Fraction of events which satisfy the requirements of
Level 4 in various samples of real data.
Event type
Fraction passing Level 4
All triggered events
Hadronic events (loose selection)
Hadronic events (tight selection)
Muon pair events
Tau pair events
Two photon candidates
It can be seen that the data are significantly reduced while keeping
high efficiencies for the signals. The efficiency for the high purity
hadronic sample is very close to 100%. The efficiency for two
specific decay modes are also tested using MC data. First is a
so-called gold plated mode,
where the
and decay generically and the decay of the other
is also generic. Second is
where again the
daughter particles and the other decay generically. Out of 1000
generated events each, the efficiency of Level 4 is 100% for both
decay modes.
For the remaining events, the purity is 76.5% where the purity is
defined as the number of events used in either physics analysis or
calibration jobs divided by the number of events passing Level 4.
This implies that only 6% more events can be suppressed even if we
achieve 100% of purity (
Therefore, the reduction rate by Level 4 is close to the optimal
value. The further drastic suppression requires changes in the
definition of signals, i.e. tighter cuts in the event classification.
Figure shows the run dependence of the fraction of
events which pass the Level 4 requirements.
Fraction of events which pass the Level 4 requirements as
a function of run number (the full range is about 6
The macro structure is due to changes in the accelerator
There are some steps and bunch structures. Such structures are caused
by the changes in the accelerator parameters. Except for the macro
structures, the Level 4 performance has been reasonably stable.
Next:DST Production and Skimming Up:Offline Computing System Previous:Offline Software
Samo Stanic