Next: FADC system
Up: Silicon Vertex Detector, SVD
Previous: Repeater system, CORE
The Belle DAQ system employs a simple track-and-hold architecture, in
which the front-end electronics is temporarily inhibited upon receipt
of a level-1 trigger. The time required for the analog multiplexer
scan of VA1 outputs determines the readout deadtime. Since the scan
rate is 5 MHz and each FADC channel must read 640 VA1 front-end
channels, the minimum deadtime is 128
s, which is less than the
s global maximum for Belle. Once all scans are complete and
the digital data are buffered in FIFOs, the modules release the busy
signal and the system is ready to accept and process another level-1
trigger [22].
This data buffering scheme allows the DSP modules to implement
pedestal subtraction and zero suppression, and low-level data
formatting asynchronously, so that no additional deadtime is
Samo Stanic