Fig. shows the signal flow of the KLM trigger system. In
the case of barrel KLM, 4 superlayers among 15 superlayers were
selected as trigger layers, i.e. layers 02, 03, 10, and 11. The layer
numbers start from 00. In order to reduce the inefficiency caused by
the gap between forward and backward barrel KLMs, forward and backward
superlayers, which are located at the same layer number and the same
sector number, are logically connected in ULM, and treated as one
superlayer. When 2 out of 4 superlayers in a sector have coincidental
hits, a trigger signal is made. Trigger signals from all the sectors
are ORed, and then sent to GDL. Since a ULM module has a limited
number of input channels, signals from barrel KLM are divided into 2
ULMs. Thus, the barrel trigger output from one ULM is connected in
series to another ULM. In the 2nd ULM, all barrel trigger signals are
In the case of end-cap KLM, 2 layers among 14 superlayers were selected as trigger layers, i.e. layers 04 and 05. In order to avoid fake trigger signals caused by beam backgrounds, the outer superlayers are not used as trigger layers. When both trigger layers have coincidendal hits, a trigger signal is made. Trigger signals from 4 sectors of each part are ORed separately and then sent to GDL.
Thus, the KLM trigger system makes three types of trigger signals; barrel, end-cap forward, and end-cap backward.