Next: VA1 integrated circuit
Up: Silicon Vertex Detector, SVD
Previous: Support structure
Signals from each side of DSSDs are read out by electronics comprising
VA1 front-end integrated circuits [18] mounted on ceramic
hybrids. Each hybrid holds five 128-channel VA1 chips. Two hybrid
cards are connected to an interface card (designated ABC) by 0.025''
pitch multiconductor cables terminated in nanostrip
connectors [20]. ABCs are connected to a repeater (CORE)
system through 2-m-long flat cables. Analog current signals from VA1
are converted to voltage signals and buffered in the repeater system
before being transmitted to FADCs in the Belle electronics hut over
30-m-long shielded differential coaxial cables.
A second signal data path, which is bidirectional, transmits the
level-0 trigger signal (the ``hold'' pulse) and various digital
clocking pulses that drive the readout to VA1. This path is also used
to carry slow control and monitor data between the hybrids and an
online computer.
shows a schematic drawing of the SVD readout system.
Schematic drawing of the SVD readout system.
Samo Stanic