Next: Performance
Up: Silicon Vertex Detector, SVD
Previous: SVD DAQ System
The SVD monitor system consists of temperature monitors using
resistive temperature detectors (RTDs), instantaneous radiation
monitors based on PIN diodes, total-dose measurements using a RADFET
technique (electronic readout) and an alanine dosimeter. These
sensors are read using a commercial data logger system [24].
A total of 48 RTDs [25] are attached to the SVD cooling
system and the interaction-region (IR) beam pipe. The monitor data has
been used as the interlock signal for the cooling systems for SVD and
the IR beam pipe. The operation of the cooling system has been highly
reliable: no temperature fault condition has been asserted during the
past year of operation.
The eight sets of unbiased PIN photo diodes (HPK
S3590-08) [26] used as real-time radiation monitors are read
out by an operational amplifier OPA129 (Burr-Brown). Output signals
are recorded by the data logger. The signals are also sent to a
discriminator module. When more than two channels indicate an
instantaneous radiation dose exceeding 1 Rad/s, the multiplicity logic
sends a beam abort request to the KEKB accelerator. The frequency of
beam aborts varies with accelerator conditions, but in stable
operation is approximately one per day.
A RADFET is a MOSFET [27] optimized for radiation
measurement. When it is irradiated, the threshold voltage of the FET
is shifted due to the accumulation of charge in the gate oxide. Since
this mechanism is essentially the same as the mechanism of radiation
damage in the VA1 chips, it provides a good measure of radiation
damage in those chips.
The alanine dosimeters are passive device based on electron spin
resonance (ESR) measurement of radiation induced free radicals in an
amino acide alanine (CH
-COOH). They provide a measure
of long-term integrated dose and accessible for reading only in
conjunction with major detector accesses.
Next: Performance
Up: Silicon Vertex Detector, SVD
Previous: SVD DAQ System
Samo Stanic