Next: Silicon Vertex Detector, SVD
Up: Extreme Forward Calorimeter, EFC
Previous: Rear-end receiver and digitizer
The energy sum spectra for Bhabha events show a correlation between
the forward and backward EFC detectors. A clear peak at 8 GeV with an
rms resolution of 7.3 % is seen for the forward EFC, while a clear
peak at 3.5 GeV with an rms resolution of 5.8 % is seen in the
backward EFC. These results are compatible with the beam test
results [17] and are slightly worse than those obtained
by a GEANT Monte Carlo simulation. The discrepancies are due to dead
channels and crystal-to-crystal nonuniformity. An expected counting
rate for Bhabha events is a few kHz at an ultimate luminosity of
EFC has provided a fast online feedback about the luminosity and
background rates to the KEKB operations group.
shows an operational history of a typical
beam fill at KEKB. The coincidence and accidental rates of the forward
and the backward EFC are shown as a function of time in seconds
together with
(LER) and
(HER) beam currents. During the
injection period from 0 to 1800 s accidental Bhabha rates are quite
high, but after the injection the accidental rate is very low.
Singles rates of EFC can provide very useful information for
diagnosing of background sources.
An operational history of a typical beam fill of KEKB. The
top figures show e
and e
beam current, and the bottom figures
the coincidence rate of the forward and backward detectors (left) and
their accidental rates (right) of EFC.
Next: Silicon Vertex Detector, SVD
Up: Extreme Forward Calorimeter, EFC
Previous: Rear-end receiver and digitizer
Samo Stanic