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In order to improve the experimental sensitivity to some physics
processes such as
, the extreme forward
calorimeter, EFC, is needed to further extend the polar angle coverage
by ECL, 17
[4]. EFC covers the
angular range from 6.4
to 11.5
in the forward direction and
to 171.2
in the backward direction. The EFC detector is
attached to the front faces of the cryostats of the compensation
solenoid magnets of the KEKB accelerator, surrounding the beam
pipe [6,7]. EFC is also required to function as a
beam mask to reduce backgrounds for CDC. In addition, EFC is used for
a beam monitor for the KEKB control and a luminosity monitor for the
Belle experiment. It can also be used as a tagging device for
two-photon physics.
Samo Stanic