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All of the CsI(
) counters were calibrated using cosmic rays before
assembled in the support structure. The counters were put into a
light-shielded box and placed in a measuring system called a
"cosmic-ray calibration stand", comprising 8 layers of drift chambers
for tracking and two layers of scintillation counters for triggering
and timing. Since these can trace cosmic-ray tracks with a position
resolution of better than 1 mm, the position and path lengths of
cosmic rays in a crystal can be calculated precisely. The signals
from the preamplifiers of two photodiodes after being summed were then
shaped and amplified with a shaper having the time constant of 1
s, and digitized by LeCroy MQT300A and 3377 TDC. A typical
distribution of pulse heights per path length which corresponds to a
minimum ionization loss of about 5.67 MeV/cm has the energy resolution
of about 25 %. The systematic measurement error was estimated to be
less than 1 %.
Samo Stanic