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Previous: Electromagnetic Calorimetry, ECL
The overall configuration of the Belle calorimeter system, ECL, is
shown in
ECL consists of the barrel section of 3.0 m in length with the inner
radius of 1.25 m and the annular end-caps at
= +2.0 m and
1.0 m from the interaction point. The geometrical parameters of
each section are given in
Each crystal has a tower-like shape and is arranged so that it points
almost to the interaction point. There is a small tilt angle of
in the
directions in the barrel section to
avoid photons escaping through the gap of the crystals. End-cap
crystals are tilted by
in the
direction in the forward and backward sections, respectively. The
calorimeter covers the polar angle region of
, corresponding to a total solid-angle coverage of 91 % of
. Small gaps between the barrel and end-cap crystals provide a
pathway for cables and room for supporting members of the inner
detectors. The loss of solid angle associated with these gaps is
approximately 3 % of the total acceptance. The entire system
contains 8736 CsI(
) counters and weighs 43 tons.
The size of each CsI(
) crystal is determined by the condition that
approximately 80% of the total energy deposited by a photon injected
at the center of the crystal is contained in that crystal. Crystals
with smaller cross sections would have somewhat improved position
resolution and two-photon separation but at the cost of an increased
number of channels and poorer energy resolution. The latter is caused
by the increase of gaps and inactive materials between crystals. The
transverse dimensions of the crystals vary depending upon their polar
angle positions; typical dimension of a crystal being 55 mm
mm (front face) and 65 mm
65 mm (rear face) for the barrel
part. Dimensions of the end-cap crystals have a large variation. The
dimensions of the front and rear surfaces vary from 44.5 mm to 70.8 mm
and from 54 mm to 82 mm, respectively. The number of crystals having
different dimensions is 39, 29, and 30 for the forward end-cap,
barrel, and backward end-cap sections, respectively. The 30 cm length
) is chosen to avoid deterioration of the energy resolution
at high energies due to the fluctuations of shower leakages out the
rear of the counter. A beam test result indicates that the energy
resolution for 25 cm CsI(
) counters is
2.5 % for electron
energies above 1 GeV [59].
The energy resolution of this system at low energies is dominated by
electronic noises and the fluctuations of lateral shower leakages. In
order to accommodate increases in the lateral shower size for
low-energy photons, more counters must be used in the summation for
the energy calculation. This puts a premium on low electronic noise
for each channel. We aim at around 200 keV incoherent thermal noise
and less than 100 keV coherent pickup noise in the whole electronics
The linearity and energy resolution of the calorimeter will
deteriorate if there is significant nonuniformity in light collection
efficiency in a crystal. This effect as well as the influences of
calibration and inactive materials in front of the calorimeter have
been quantified by means of a Monte Carlo simulation, the results of
which are presented later.
Overall configuration of ECL.
Geometrical parameters of ECL.
Item |
coverage |
seg. |
seg. |
No. of crystals |
Forward end-cap |
12.4 - 31.4 |
13 |
48 - 144 |
1152 |
Barrel |
32.2 - 128.7 |
46 |
144 |
6624 |
Backward end-cap |
130.7 - 155.1 |
10 |
64 - 144 |
960 |
Next: CsI() crystal
Up: Electromagnetic Calorimetry, ECL
Previous: Electromagnetic Calorimetry, ECL
Samo Stanic