Prof. Dr. Iztok Arčon

(CV) |
Prof. dr. Iztok Arčon is full professor for the field of physics, employed at the University of Nova Gorica, Laboratory for quantum optics, holding a position of the dean of Grauate school.
His main research field is analysis of atomic and molecular structure of new functional materials (different catalysts and photocatalysts, cathode materials for Li-ion, Li-sulphur and Mg-sulphur batteries, ferroelectric and ferromagnetic ceramics, …) and analysis of environmental pollution (soil, water and plants), with X-ray absorption spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation (methods XANES, EXAFS), In addition, he uses synchrotron radiation for experimental study of multielectron photoexcitations in free and bound atoms, to provide information on collective motion of electrons in the atomic system, and exact atomic absorption background in EXAFS spectra. Since 1989 he obtained with coworkers over sixty research projects at different European synchrotron radiation laboratories (PETRA III at DESY, Hamburg; Elettra, Trieste; ESRF, Grenoble; Alba in Barcelona; Soleil, and previously Lure, Paris), and performed experiments with advanced sychrotron radiation techniques. Until 2022 he published more than 200 scientific papers in reviews with high impact factor and his work is highly cited (over 3500 citations). His Hirsch index is 30.
Complete bibliograpy (1986 - present)
To mention some outstanding scientific results: he performed in-operando XAS analysis of different cathodes materials for Li-ion, and Li- and Mg-Sulphur batteries with high energy density, to monitor the change of valence and local structure of sulphur in the cathode material. The operando XAS results revealed dynamics of electrochemical processes during battery operation. He performed in-situ XAS analysis of different (photo)catalytic materials for water cleaning and catalysts for other technological process, which revealed the active sites during the photo and thermo catalytic reactions and explained the mechanisms responsible for optimal performance of the catalysts. To resolve detoxification problems because of environmental pollution with heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Se, As, ..), and to increase concentrations of essential elements (Mn, Fe, Zn, Cu) in the edible plant parts, he used a combination of X-ray spectroscopy and sub-micron X-ray microscopy to efficiently assess metal bioavailability and their toxicity, and gain more knowledge on the mechanisms of metal uptake, accumulation and detoxification in living organisms.
He received The Jožef Stefan Golden Emblem Prize Award in 1996 for his PhD thesis research work. In 2006 he was awarded the national “Zois award” for outstanding achievements in the field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and in 2020 he received Pregl Award of the National institute of Chemistry for Exceptional Achievements in the field of chemistry and related disciplines.
He is a delegate for Slovenia in European User Synchrotorn Organisatio (ESUO). In last ten years he was a member of project evaluation committees at four synchrotron radiation facilities (PETRA III at DESY, CERI-ERIC at Elettra, at ESRF and at Soleil). |
Degrees: |
Ph. D.: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1992
Fields of study: Experimental atomic physics research with synchrotron radiation
Thesis title: Multielectron excitations in the L-subshell photoabsorption of xenon
Masters Degree: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1989
Field of study: Solid state physics and experimental methods in nuclear physics.
M. Sc. diploma title: X-ray Extended Fine Structure in Coherent Scattering of X-rays on Mosaic Crystals
Physics Diploma: University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1986
Field of study: Physics
Diploma title: Extended X-ray Fine Structure (EXAFS) in Bragg Reflectivity of X-rays
Positions: |
University of Nova Gorica, Laboratory for quantum optics, Slovenia
- Researcher and teacher (1996 – present)
- Dean of Graduate school (2006 – present)
Jožef Stefan Institute, Dept. for Medium and Low Energy Physics, Ljubljana, Slovenia:
- Associate researcher (1996 – present)
- Post-doctoral researcher, (1993 – 1996)
- Assistant researcher, (1989 – 1993)
Sincrotrone Elettra, Trieste, Italy
- Post-doctoral researcher (1993 – 1994)
University of Ljubljana, Department of physics, Slovenia
- Teaching assistant for physics (1989 – 1995)
Academic title: |
Full professor for physics (2010 - present), University of Nova Gorica
Associate professor for physics (2005 - 2010), University of Nova Gorica,
Docent for physics (1999 – 2004), University of Nova Gorica, and Faculty for mathematic and physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Teaching Assistant for physics (1992-1999), Faculty for mathematic and physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and University of Nova Gorica.
Teaching: |
Physics (10 ECTS). Bachelor's program in Environment, School of environmental sciences, University of Nova Gorica.
Technical physics (10 ECTS), Bachelor's Programme in Engineering and Management, University of Nova Gorica.
X-ray spectroscopies (6 ECTS), II. level master Physics and astrophysics, School fof sciences, University of Nova Gorica
Contemporary measurement techniques (9 ECTS), II. level master Master in Engineering and Management , School of Engineering and Management, University of Nova Gorica
Structural analysis of materials with x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy and microscopy (9 ECTS), doctoral program Physics, and doctoral program Materials, Graduate School, University of Nova Gorica
Characterisation of material structure (6 ECTS), doctoral program doctoral program Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies, Jožef Stefan international postgraduate school
Professional experience record: |
Dean of Graduate school, University of Nova Gorica (2006 – present)
Member of the Senate of University of Nova Gorica (2006 – present)
Member of the Senate of School of environmental sciences, University of Nova Gorica (2007 – 2018 )
Member of the Governing board of University of Nova Gorica (1996 – 2004)
Member of the Governing board of Slovnian education consortium (SLOV.I.K.), Gorizia, Italy (2005 - 2010)
Slovenian representative in European Synchrotron User Organisation (ESUO) (2014 - present)
Member of the IXS (International XAFS Society) (1996 – present)
Member of EXSA (European X-ray Spectrometry Association) (2007 – present)
Experience with quality assurance in higher education |
President of Quality assurance committee of Nova Gorica University (2007 – present)
ECTS coordinator for Nova Gorica University study programs (2005 – present)
Member of Slovenian rector's conference workgroup for quality assurance (2007 – present)
Member of National committee for quality assurance in higher education (1999-2007)
Member of national group of experts for follow up of Bologna process in Slovenia. (2004 – 2005 and 2009 – 2011)