Slovenian synchrotron user community Slovenian synchrotron user community consists of about 30 to 40 active SR users, researchers at Slovenian universities or national research institutes, working in different scientific fields (physics, material science, biology, chemistry, surface science, pharmacology, environmental sciences, SR and FEL instrumentation, etc.), using different European synchrotron radiation sources: ESRF, ELETTRA, DESY, SOLEIL, SLS, MAXIV, etc. In Slovenia there is no formal national synchrotron user organization yet. Slovenian synchrotron user community, is integrated in the European Synchrotron Users Organization (ESUO), and coordinates its activities with ESUO through Slovenian ESUO delegate. Slovenian synchrotron user community strongly supports the ESUO initiative for open access to all European sources for all European photon scientists solely on the basis of scientific merit, and promotes the integrated approach throughout Europe to the use of SR sources. In Slovenia no national funding scheme for access to synchrotron radiation facilities exists. Continuation of transnational access (TNA) to national radiation sources in EU, supported until 2015 via programmes of the European Commission by BIOSTRUCT-X and CALIPSO, represents a major benefit for Slovenian scientists.
Slovenian ESUO delegate: University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, 5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia, e-mail: Iztok.arcon@ung.si
European Synchrotron Users Organisation (ESUO)
Synchrotron Radiation Sources