The EFC trigger provides two types of trigger information according to the energy and location of signals in the BGO crystals.
The basic EFC trigger unit is a trigger cell. Two neighboring
segments have three trigger cells according to different
angles. In the innermost ring, a trigger cell is formed by two
crystals. The other two trigger cells consist of four crystals each.
The analog sum of crystal signals from the same trigger cell is fed
into a constant fraction discriminator and gives the trigger output.
Currently the trigger cell threshold is set at about 1 GeV. These
trigger cells are then grouped into four sectors in
in the
forward and the backward EFC separately. The trigger logic is made by
a logical 'OR' of all trigger cells inside each sector.
The logic output of one sector is used to form a back-to-back logic
for a Bhabha trigger and also used as the gate signal for the MQT300A
chips within the same sector. Another trigger scheme, called EFC-Tag,
is formed by a logical 'OR' of the four forward EFC trigger sectors.
It is combined with central tracking and calorimeter information to
provide a tagged two-photon trigger. A schematic diagram of the EFC
trigger logic is shown in Fig. .