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A time-of-flight (TOF) detector system using plastic scintillation
counters is very powerful for particle identification in
collider detectors. For a 1.2 m flight path, the TOF system with 100
ps time resolution is effective for particle momenta below about 1.2
GeV/c, which encompasses 90 % of the particles produced in
(4S) decays. It can provide clean and efficient
In addition to particle identification, the TOF counters provide fast
timing signals for the trigger system to generate gate signals for
ADCs and stop signals for TDCs. To avoid pile-up in the trigger queue,
the rate of the TOF trigger signals must be kept below 70 kHz. The
gate and stop timing for the CsI calorimeter and CDC sets a time
jitter requirement of less than
10 ns. Simulation studies
indicate that to keep the fast trigger rate below 70 kHz in any beam
background conditions, the TOF counters should be augmented by thin
trigger scintillation counters (TSC) [4,6].
Samo Stanic