STRUCTURE DETERMINATION BY EXAFS OF Nb-PEROXO-CITRATO COMPLEXES IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION-GEL SYSTEMS Related publications: M. K. Van Bael, I. Arčon, K. Van Werde, D. Nelis, J. Mullens, L. C. Van Poucke; Structure determination by EXAFS of Nb-peroxo-citrato complexses in aqueous solution-gel systems, Physica Scripta. Vol, T115, (2005), 415-417 Abstract A structural study of a niobium-peroxo-citrato complex in an aqueous solution, used as a precursor for the synthesis of ceramic oxides by an aqueous solution-gel route is performed by Nb K-edge EXAFS analysis. The results clearly indicate the formation of niobium-peroxo-citrato dimers via Nb-O-Nb links. Nb(V) ions are seven-coordinated including one Nb=O bond of a niobyl group and two Nb-O bonds from a side-on metal-peroxo group. The results are consistent with a previously proposed structural model based on Raman and UV spectroscopy studies.
Introduction There has been a lot of interest in the preparation of electroceramic metal oxides containing niobium by solution techniques. From an economical and ecological point of view, aqueous routes are preferred. The aqueous solution-gel route involves the formation of a gel network by hydrolysis, condensation and complexation reactions in an aqueous solution of metal salts and chelating or bridging ligands [1-3]. Drying and a suitable heat treatment convert the amorphous gel into the desired ceramic oxide. Aqueous solution chemistry of high valent metals such as Nb(V) is however very complicated because they are extremely sensitive towards hydrolysis, leading to precipitation and undesired phase segregation. Despite the additional fact that the only available water-soluble Nb compound - an oxalate - is not appropriate for gel formation and combination with other metal ions, we succeeded to transform it into a water-soluble Nb precursor, suitable for gel formation, by reaction with peroxide and complexation with citric acid. In order to understand the mechanism of the solution-gel processes on the molecular level it is crucial to know the structure of the Nb complex formed in the precursor solution. Up to date only one model was proposed for a niobium-peroxo-citrato complex in aqueous solution by Narendar and Messing [4], based on Raman and UV spectroscopy studies of the solution and additional IR data on the condensed phase. However, to our knowledge, there are no XRD or other direct data on the structure of the Nb complex. The objective of this work is to study the structure of the Nb-peroxo-citrato complex in the aqueous solution by Nb K-edge EXAFS. We analyse the local niobium environment and compare the structural results with the model proposed by Narendar and Messing.
Experimental The aqueous niobium solution was synthesized according to the procedure of Nelis et al. [2] by first oxidizing niobium(V) ammonium oxalate with hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous solution of citric acid. The pH is then raised to 7.5 with ammonia which allows the citrate groups to co-ordinate the metal ions and to form a stable water-soluble Nb(V)-peroxo-citrato complex. The Nb K-edge EXAFS spectrum of the solution was measured at the BM20 beamline of the ESRF synchrotron radiation facility. The station provided a Si(111) fixed-exit double-crystal monochromator with about 3 eV resolution at the Nb K-edge. Harmonics were effectively suppressed (below 8x10 The solution was inserted in a polyethylene cuvette with a path length of 8.5 mm. The Nb concentration of 0.15 M was chosen to obtain an optimal absorption thickness of about 1 above the Nb K-edge. The intensity of the incident and transmitted beam was measured with Ar filled ionisation cells. The standard stepping progression within [-250 eV - 1000 eV] region of the Nb K-edge was adopted for EXAFS spectra with an integration time of 2s/step. The exact energy calibration is established with simultaneous absorption measurements on an Nb metal foil.
Figure 1: The k Nb EXAFS spectrum (Fig. 1) was analyzed by the University of Washington analysis programs using FEFF6 code for ab initio calculation of scattering paths [5,6]. Nb neighbour shells are discerned in the k Figure 2: The k
Table 1: Structural parameters of the nearest coordination shells around Nb atom in aqueous solution of the Nb-peroxo-citrato complex : type of the neighbour atom, number N, distance R, and Debye-Waller factor To describe the first coordination shell we included in the model three different Nb-O distances that can be expected in similar metal-peroxo complexes [7-11]. Indeed, we found one oxygen at a short distance of 1.75 Similarly, due to high correlations of the second shell parameters, we were not able to determine the exact number of carbon atoms, which were found at non-equal distances in that shell. However, the Nb neighbour parameters could be reliably determined since they were not affected by the correlations.
Discussion The structural parameters obtained by Nb EXAFS can be compared with the proposed model for the niobium-peroxo-citrato complex in aqueous solution by Narendar and Messing [4]. Their model consists of a dimeric structure in which each Nb(V) ion is surrounded by seven oxygens, one from a niobyl group, two from a side-on peroxo group and four from citrate ligands. In our case the presence of a single Nb neighbour at 3.30 Figure 3: Structural model of Narendar and Messing. Our results are consistent with the structural model of Narendar and Messing [4]. Other structural studies of metal-peroxo-carboxylato complexes in condensed phases based on IR spectroscopy, thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction [4,7-15] also support our findings: most of them reveal a structure with a pentagonal bipyramid coordination of the metal which is then sp
Acknowledgements This work was partly financed the by Fund for Scientific Research of Flanders (F.W.O.-Vlaanderen) (Belgium) via the research program G0257.95 CRG/DUBBLE. We acknowledge the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility for provision of synchrotron radiation facilities (experiment ME-246) and we would like to thank T. Reich and A. Bauer for assistance in using the Radiochemistry and materials research ROBL-CRG beamline (BM20). I. Arčon is supported by the Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. M.K. Van Bael and D. Nelis are respectively a post-doctoral fellow and a research assistent of the F.W.O.-Vlaanderen. K. Van Werde is indebted to the 'Instituut voor de aanmoediging van Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie in Vlaanderen' (I.W.T.).